Family Escape Plan
Fires don't always happen to someone else...
Some facts about fire
Draw a sketch of your home. Mark at least 2 ways to get out of every room. The
first way should be the door, and the second way out might be a window. If the
window is higher than ground level, you may want to purchase an emergency escape
ladder and keep it near the window.
Decide on a meeting place outside where everyone can be accounted for.
Practice twice a year.
How to Practice
Begin with everybody in Bed. Someone should press the "test button" on
the smoke detector or yell "fire" to sound the alarm.
Everyone should roll out of bed. That way, you stay below any heat or smoke that
may be present in the room.
Don't stop to get any possessions. Don't even stop to call the fire department.
That should be done from the safety of a neighbor's house after you get out.
Check the door to the hallway for heat. If it is hot to the touch, or if smoke
prohibits you from escaping through the door, use your second way out. If you
must escape through smoke, crawl low under it where the air is cleaner. Close
doors behind you as you leave.
Once outside, go to your designated meeting place where everyone will meet up to
make sure everyone is safe. Have someone simulate calling the fire department.
Practice twice; the first time use the normal exit. The second time, pretend the
door is hot, and use the second way out.
Afterwards, talk about the drill. Make any changes to the plan if necessary and
rehearse them.